Monday, April 15, 2013


9 new picture books that need to be rescued from obscurity.  From The Huffington Post.

Looking at the best selling books of 2012 through a diversity lens.  From

The trailer for Catching Fire will be released this Sunday!  From E!

Can you guess these classic books from their phantom book covers? The only one I got was #8.  What does that say about me?  From PW.

Sylvia Plath and Mark Twain both wrote children's books?  I must read them.  Especially since some of mark Twain's advice is Good little girls always show marked deference for the aged. "You ought never to ‘sass’ old people unless they ‘sass’ you first."  From brain pickings.

So cool! published some infographics of real-life locations from children's books.  From Galleycat.

Gay characters in YA.  From The Atlantic Wire.

25 books that should be on every child's bookshelf.  From Flavorwire.

Where are the normal boys in fiction?  From The Guardian.


  1. I could only guess one book from those covers!!! I am bad!


  2. I got 3, 5, and 6. I feel silly for *not* getting 4.
    Those were hard.


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